More on Formatting : Page Numbering

Headers for multi-page poem manuscripts

A reader writes to ask: How should we format a manuscript of multiple poems that each span more than a single page? Do we number our pages starting from 1 whenever we begin a new poem, or should we number...  read

The superfluity of a table of contents

A reader follows up on an earlier question to ask: I have a contents page after the main title page, so I want to start the page numbering on the third page, which is where chapter 1 starts. Have tried...  read

Page headers for new chapters

A reader writes to ask: I just wanted to know if you still include a header on the first page of your chapters, and if you still use Courier 12 in your manuscripts - as shown in your venerable novel...  read

Creating a page header in Word

A reader writes to ask: Please could you explain how, using MS word, I can use a header like the one on your manuscript of Silvertide? Each time I try it will only let me have EITHER the name of...  read

When to use a separate title page

A reader writes to ask: At the recent meeting of our local writers group we got involved in a discussion about formatting. Several of us were having problems with the header/footer and page numbering aspect of our word processing program....  read

Automatic page numbers in Word

A reader writes to ask: I had a quick question for you regarding header formatting for novel manuscripts. I'm trying to customize the autotext feature for headers to follow the example you gave: Author / Book Title / Page #...  read

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