Thanks for making Line Break #3 a success!


Berry reads at Line Break #3
A big thank you to everyone who turned out for our third regular episode of Line Break on Saturday, at beautiful Q.E.D. in Astoria, Queens. Just by showing up and giving us the gift of your attention, you helped make the evening bigger and better than it would have been without you.

We also need to send out big thanks to participants Alex DiFrancesco, Barbara Lynn Cantone, Jeremy Blutstein, Berry, and Aida Zilelian for their varied but uniformly excellent readings. And thanks to Q.E.D. for giving us the space and an opportunity to use it.

If you couldn't make it out on Saturday, please mark your calendar for Saturday, February 4, when we'll we back with our fourth issue, which will include fan-favorite reader Sarah Riccio. What's more, we'll be going monthly starting in February, so there will be more chances than ever to see and hear all the best writing in Queens in 2017!

So sign up for our mailing list and keep abreast of all the latest developments in the Line Break world. And finally, if you're interested in participating in a future Line Break, do send us a submission.

We look forward to seeing you again in February! Until then please check out all the terrific shows and events at Q.E.D. There is something amazing happening there literally every day.

Alex DiFrancesco reads at Line Break #3
Barbara Lynn Cantone reads at Line Break #3
Jeremy Blutstein reads at Line Break #3
Aida Zilelian reads at Line Break #3

Line Break

About Us

Line Break is an eclectic monthly reading series showcasing a mix of fiction, poetry and essays. We are currently on hiatus.