November 1995 : Page 1
AUTHOR'S NOTE:  "Terror on Flight 789" is a very early, much shorter draft of what would eventually become my book-length memoir, The Accidental Terrorist. If you like what you read here, please consider ordering a copy of the book, which is significantly revised and expanded from this version.

Chapter 7: I Drop a Bomb of My Own

We pulled up in front of the airport before too much longer, Finn and I. It was a bit before five in the evening. We parked the car in a fifteen-minute zone right near the entrance, then hauled Finn's luggage...  read

Chapter 6: Elementary, My Dear Watson

Well, ma'am, at Elder Finn's little announcement you can be sure I was stunned and thrown into something of a panic. After all, to review a bit, my own experiences from the previous couple of months had taught me two...  read

Chapter 5: Finn Drops a Bomb

Snow and I played around all morning on February 23. The leadership conference was due to start at three in the afternoon, so we had to get our recreation in early. Around one we went back to the apartment so...  read

Chapter 4: The Bell Tolls for Me

As I said last time, Snow and I had numerous adventures in our two and a half short months together, most of which once made for great telling at mission reunions. There was the Mattress on Top of the Car,...  read

Chapter 3: The Full-Court Press

So there I am, unable to reenter Canada, closed up in a stuffy office with this pretty young Immigration officer who's staring at me like I'm something from the bottom of the Marianas Trench as I try to explain what's...  read

About November 1995

This page contains all entries posted to Terror on Flight 789 in November 1995. They are listed from oldest to newest.

October 1995 is the previous archive.

December 1995 is the next archive.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.