February 1996
AUTHOR'S NOTE:  "Terror on Flight 789" is a very early, much shorter draft of what would eventually become my book-length memoir, The Accidental Terrorist. If you like what you read here, please consider ordering a copy of the book, which is significantly revised and expanded from this version.

Chapter 24: The Pokey, by Gum!

The next morning—the day of the insanely expeditious trial—President Tuttle summoned my father and me to the mission home's book-lined study. The first thing he discussed with us—or rather, apprised us of his position on—was the matter of who would...  read

Chapter 25: Felonious Monk

Harvey spent the remainder of our strategy session quizzing me on my background. He was compiling a comprehensive list of all my positive accomplishments to use as evidence that I was a good boy and didn't deserve to go to...  read

Chapter 26: King Solomon Mimed

President Tuttle was determined to keep me away from reporters. I don't remember exactly how it was done—I have to admit that I was rather numb—but somehow I got out of the courtroom without facing a single camera or microphone....  read

Chapter 27: The Guy Who Blows Up Planes

"Therefore," continued Judge Fether, "I hereby sentence you, Donald William Shunn the Second, to a fine of two thousand dollars, which fine must be paid from money you have earned yourself, and to one day in jail, retroactive. Case closed."...  read

Chapter 28: John Snow, Spin Doctor

Four hours later, I was released. This time my father was waiting right there to greet me as I stepped out of the elevator. "We could have had you out hours ago," he said as we went outside. "I kept...  read

About February 1996

This page contains all entries posted to Terror on Flight 789 in February 1996. They are listed from oldest to newest.

January 1996 is the previous archive.

March 1996 is the next archive.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.