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Classic Manuscript Format
Important note: Both versions of this article contain identical text.
The only differences are font and a few minor formatting elements.
If a publication specifically asks for “Shunn Classic” format, they mean you should use a Courier font, as below.
Shunn / Format / 5
To emphasize a specific word or phrase in your manuscript,
do so with italics. It used to be the practice to underline for
emphasis, but that’s because there was no option for italics on
most typewriters. Some publications may still prefer to see
underlining since it stands out a little better on a screen, but
those would be the minority. Consult submission guidelines if
there’s any doubt, and choose italics in the absence of other
If you want to indicate an em dash--the punctuation that
sets off this phrase--simply type two hyphens. Most word
processors will convert the two hyphens to a dash automatically.
(Courier users might want to turn off this particular feature of
autocorrect, since in monospaced fonts a dash is difficult to
distinguish from a lone hyphen.) There’s no need to put spaces
around the dash.
“A lot of people ask me about dialog,” I told an editor
friend recently. “Do you have any suggestions?”
“Dialog should be enclosed in quotation marks,” she said.
“Some writers get away with doing it differently, but they’re
rare exceptions.”
“Isn’t it also the usual practice to start a new paragraph
when the speaker changes?” I asked.
“Yes, it is. That helps the reader keep track of who’s
speaking even when speech tags are omitted.”
Speaking of which, you should have the “smart quotes”
feature turned on in your word processor. This converts double
Last updated 12 July 2021

“Proper Manuscript Format” by William Shunn is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
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