A geographical area consisting usually of three or four districts, encompassing
from sixteen to thirty missionaries and supervised by two
zone leaders.
zone activity
zone conference
A day-long meeting held every month or two at which all the
missionaries in a particular zone
gather to hear words of wisdom from their mission president
and other leaders.
This is often an occasion for a huge and fierce meal, or an even huger and fiercer game of basketball.
This is often an occasion for a huge and fierce meal, or an even huger and fiercer game of basketball.
zone leader
One of a pair of missionaries assigned to supervise usually three or four
districts, encompassing from sixteen to thirty missionaries. This often
means traveling around a large geographical area in addition to regular
proselyting duties.
In the Washington Spokane Mission, a surefire way to become a zone leader at the next transfer was to rat on someone for breaking the rules.
Often shortened to z.l.
See also district leader.
In the Washington Spokane Mission, a surefire way to become a zone leader at the next transfer was to rat on someone for breaking the rules.
Often shortened to z.l.
See also district leader.